on new years resolutions

note: this is a little bit personal. in the spirit of getting healthy, i've been told to share.
so, here's to sharing in 2013.

ever since i was thirteen, i have been sick.

let's say i've had the flu.

for a long time, no one really knew i had the flu. i didn't really think it was important.

one day, i told my parents i had the flu. and, like parents do, they talked to me about the dangers of the flu, and then moved on. i mean, flus generally just run their course.

sometimes, the flu was just the sniffles. and sometimes, the flu was full-blown. no matter what the stage, the flu was always there.

finally, after other health ailments started making their way into my life, i went to see a general doctor. while the doctor helped me with all of the diseases i was dealing with, we focused on the flu. we decided if i hadn't had the flu in the first place, i most likely wouldn't have been as susceptible to the other ailments.

for one reason or another, i could no longer see my doctor. but i felt like i had really gotten a grasp on the flu, i was nearly over it!

and then, my life changed, as lives often do, and i got the flu again. i got it bad. a very violent, all-encompassing case of the flu. this flu took over everything in my life. i lost friendships and relationships, i lost self-respect, i lost a lot of hair. and all i got was more flu.

come to present day. for this new year, i am determined to get over the flu. not send it in remission, not learn to live with it... completely banish it from my life. that's my main resolution for 2013. i've established some other, smaller resolutions (such as cutting out gluten, performing daily affirmations, getting more exercise, staying away from people who are bad for me) that, together, lead up to my main resolution.

this year will be a major battle. me against the flu.

and guys.

i intend to win.


  1. i don't know what it actually is, but i am so sorry that you've had to deal with it.

    if you ever need any advice, sometime to talk/rant to, or anything else that i could help with- let me know!

    i know i'm just another blogger online, but someone very dear to me has their own version of the "flu" and i've learned to help her with it as much as i can.

    i wish you the best, and i'll definitely be praying for you if nothing else!

    you can definitely do this. (:

  2. You can do it! I will be praying for you!:)
