critic that i am, my motto has always been

when life gives you lemons
throw them at the people who are bugging you

and it's worked out for me just fine thus far.

but, as you may have surmised, life has really given me some lemons lately. pelted them at my head. big, fat ones. (and, admittedly, some of these lemons were deserved, almost welcomed.) and i'm trying to take a more positive approach to life. so, with these lemons, i'm making lemonade.


i'm starting the master cleanse today. i'm doing it for a few reasons. the main one is that food makes me feel like crap. for the last few weeks, i've felt tired and irritable, nauseous every time i eat, and just generally down. my aunt thinks it's a gluten intolerance. i'd really rather not get that looked into, because if i have it, i don't want to know. i had a friend with a gluten intolerance and life just seemed so hard (anna!!)

instead, i'm just going to purge my body of the nasty things that have been put into it over the last 21 years. chemicals and oils and whatever else that's been in the food, drink, air, alternative substances, what have you that's been going into my body. they've all got to go.

so that's the main reason. yeah, it will be awesome to loose some weight, but it's mostly about just being healthy again. healthy! a novel concept.

i have big plans to start an organic diet once i'm done with this, to prevent those nasty chemicals and harmful substances from making their way back into my system. but that's thinking far too optimistically. let's just see if i make it these next ten days.

photo credit: via

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