
reposted from my old blog. originally written 03/10/11
post script: i'm a pisces. which... supplements the idea in this post.

i love the way that water makes me feel.

drinking. spilling down my throat, flowing through my body, supplying a new kind of energy.
showering. running down my back, cleansing my pores, revitalizing my demeanor.
swimming. pushing against my muscles, pulling at my hair, encouraging my goals.
being. crashing against my abdomen, stinging my eyes, swirling around my feet.

i once had a very deep and personal conversation with someone about elements. you know, earth, wind, fire, water. and how everyone has their own element. the way they act and react, the place they feel most comfortable and uncomfortable, and who they are and want to be.

and i am water.

and she is wind.

we have our reasons.

that being said, i've been trying to understand myself. why and who and what i am. and why and who and what i've been lately.

and i realized something.

you don't see much water in winter. it snows instead of rains, ices instead of flows. you can't swim or wade or boat in the winter. water doesn't belong in the cold.

i don't belong in the cold.

which explains why today, when the sun came out, and the snow melted to tiny rivers of cool water, i changed. i felt my body, mind, and spirit physically change. i felt inspired, motivated... happy.

i haven't felt like that in a while.

since, oh, the beginning of winter.

so i know i've posted ten million frivilous posts about how "i LOVE spring," but seriously.

i love spring.

it's when i come back to life. reintroduce myself to the world. melt out of my standstill and remember who i am and where im going.

and as i float along, i know i'll get there soon.

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