memorial day weekend

This is going to be one of those real-life posts, for anyone who cares what I do with my time. (mom.)

ps i took zero pictures of the weekend because i suck, but imagine some really great photos of really exciting things, okay?

my cousin is leaving for his mission to Wellington, New Zealand in a week, and so this weekend mostly revolved around his farewell festivities.

the thing is that lately, i've been getting really anxious in large groups? am i a thousand years old? so saturday's luau celebration found me in the basement, reading and hiding from throngs of people who i've met several times, but don't recognize me, and later insist that they do in fact remember me ("oh, yes, you used to have red hair!")

and the sunday morning family brunch found me napping because, i mean, 50 people to whom i'm distantly related is just a little much to handle for my poor, stress-riddled body.

church had easily 500 crammed into one chapel and it was uncomfortably warm and unreasonably long and unexpectedly emotional.

luckily, there was a post-luau-and-brunch wreckage for me to come back to, and cleaning just really eases my nerves, did you know that? i spent a good 3 hours cleaning and slept for two hours and felt a million times better.

monday morning brought on yet another crowd as the memorial day breakfast up the canyon commenced. i was feeling resolved of the anxiety from the previous few days, but also had an upset stomach so i still couldn't quite enjoy myself because i live my life in crisis mode, and so.

after breakfast we went back and just hung by the pool for like 4 hours. the weather was beautiful and i split my time between basking and reading Great Gatsby (walking cliche right here, i know, i know) and playing pool volleyball.

then we had the genius idea to ride bikes up to maui chill, because who doesn't love 50% off frozen yogurt (except it ended up being 20% off frozen yogurt, but even 0% off frozen yogurt is worth the trip, am i right?) and i'll tell you, beach cruisers in a sundress and sandals are wonderful for beach cruising, but not so much for 2-mile rides up treacherous hills. my body is still hurting.

and also i don't believe in sunscreen.

and also also, all of these events took place at my aunts house, and i wasn't home all weekend, so when i came back at 9 pm last night, i set out on a mission to clean. i'm getting rid of huge trashbags full of clothes and deep cleaning out every drawer and shelf in my house, and i'm just feeling less and less stressed by the second.

so, if you ever need anything cleaned, what i'm saying is that it would really just be my pleasure.

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