last night, i went out to a movie with my dear friend for her birthday.
and, of course, out of the 10 people in the theater, one of them was her ex-boyfriend.
has that happened to you? you run into your ex, and you're just not prepared. you're blind sided by adrenaline and emotions from years ago.
i only really have two ex's that were really serious, and one i would love to run into, because we're friends, and the other is the cause of a still fairly fresh wound (and i live two minutes from where he works, we shop at the same grocery stores, we have the same friends, and i haven't once run into him. it's a miracle.)
but still, i kind of know the feeling.
so even though the movie was hilarious, her night was ruined, quite understandably.
and she called me after we parted ways at the theater so we could talk about it (um, we're girls, so...)
and over the course of the conversation, she said something like this, "i want to remember all the bad stuff about him. i mean, i know he does this and that and the other and he's not a good person, but all i can think about is good things."
and i thought to myself... you shouldn't be thinking about the good or bad parts of him. you shouldn't be thinking about him at all. you should be thinking of yourself, and the good parts of you that he and any other ex is missing out on. recognizing the good in yourself is the only way to stop thinking about him altogether.
i think i said something to that effect to her, but you know how girls are when they've seen their ex's... they don't hear it.
that's okay.
because it's something i needed to remind myself.
i shouldn't be thinking about the bad in other people. and if it's someone who i want to think badly of, i should just stop thinking about them altogether. and the only way to do that is to preoccupy my mind with thoughts of self-love and improvement.
it's what i've been really working on the last three months, but you know.
we can always use reminders.
aaand you're a babe! you look SO good!